Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Book Review: In Case You Missed It by Lindsey Kelk


When Ros steps off a plane after four years away she’s in need of a job, a flat, and a phone that actually works. And, possibly, her old life back. Because everyone at home has moved on, her parents have reignited their sex life, she’s sleeping in a converted shed and she’s got a bad case of nostalgia for the way things were.

Then her new phone begins to ping with messages from people she thought were deleted for good. Including one number she knows off by heart: her ex’s.

Sometimes we’d all like the chance to see what we’ve been missing…


I usually love Rom/Com's and the easiness of reading them, but In Case You Missed It by Lyndsey Kelk fell a bit flat for me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't hate it, but neither did I love it.

I think the main problem for me in the book was the min character Ros Reynolds. once again, I didn't hate her, I just thought she was wasting her time wanting to spend all her present time in the past by getting together with her ex-boyfriend Patrick who had dumped her when she left for a job in the US 3 years before. To be honest, I would spit on Patrick ( you know if I did that kind of gross thing, and I dont...yuck )He was a narcissistic knob who was selfish, and for some reason, most of the book spent was Ros trying to rekindle that relationship. There is even a hot broody bartender who clearly wants to hook up with her that she barely gives the time of day to!

There are certainly redeeming parts, John the bartender clearly cares about Ros and you will find yourself rooting for him as you read, there are many funny parts, and many of her friends were more likable than she was to me. Probably my favorite characters were her parents. They were a bit wacky and had rekindled their relationship after becoming empty-nesters, and even have their vows re-done.

While In Case You Missed It really wasn't the best Rom/Com I have read, I mean I didn't feel the romance even started until I was 90 percent done with the book, it was a fun way to spend a lazy afternoon. It is a quick read. I have also heard many people say that Lyndsey Kelk is a fantastic writer, so I am not yet giving up on her. In fact, In Case You Missed It had some great reviews, so many people enjoyed it, so if you are wanting a bit of an escape from your daily drudgery, I would pick it up and at least give it a try. It may be the perfect book for you

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