Sunday, June 5, 2016

All the Feels by Danika Stone

Book Summary
College freshman Liv is more than just a fangirl: The Starveil movies are her life… So, when her favorite character, Captain Matt Spartan, is killed off at the end of the last movie, Liv Just. Can’t. Deal.

Tired of sitting in her room sobbing, Liv decides to launch an online campaign to bring her beloved hero back to life. With the help of her best friend, Xander, actor and steampunk cosplayer extraordinaire, she creates #SpartanSurvived, a campaign to ignite the fandom. But as her online life succeeds beyond her wildest dreams, Liv is forced to balance that with the pressures of school, her mother’s disapproval, and her (mostly nonexistent and entirely traumatic) romantic life. A trip to DragonCon with Xander might be exactly what she needs to figure out what she really wants.

Flo's Review
I hate to be cheesy, but his book really did give me #AllTheFeels. First of all, as a HUGE fangirl myself, I kind of understand Liv. Kind of. Liv's obsession is on the extreme side, honestly, but I do understand it at the root. I read this entire book in one day. It was that easy breezy to go through! Each chapter is named a quote from a different fandom and that's #awesome. And a lot of the text is actually text conversations, so that fact also made this a quick read.

Xander is lovely! I love his name, I love his quirkiness, and I love that he calls Liv "dearest." (Makes me...wait for it....SWOON. Get it?! This is Swoon Reads book?!?! I'm here all day, folks. :) I love the way their relationship progressed, starting off as besties and then realizing that this comfort they have with each other is so much more.

Part II of this book takes place at Dragon Con. I've been to New York Comic Con, and I've been to lots of book conventions, but I've never been to Dragon Con. I've heard about it before, though. And now, reading this second part of the book, I absolutely wanna go!! 

All the Feels is exactly what is promises: a light fun romance that will make you proud to be a fangirl and will definitely leave you with -- that's right, I'm going there -- ALL the feels! It comes out June 7, 2016 and you should definitely add it to you summer reading list!

Thank you to Macmillan to providing me with an advance reader's copy in exchange for my honest review.

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