Thursday, October 8, 2015

Books To Movies Giveaway Hop: The Hunger Games

Just today one of my friends made the comment about how Hollywood is running out of ideas because there are so many books to movies these days. What do you think? Do you agree? Are you loving it, or is it a little bit of overload?

At any rate, you may know that the I (Flo) love, love, love The Hunger Games! I read all the books before any of the movies came out, and I loved them as I was reading them. But the movies have also intensified my love for the trilogy. So it's not surprising that I'm doing a Hunger Games giveaway as part of the Books to Movies Giveaway Hop!

The WINNER gets a copy of The World of the Hunger Games and a DVD of the first movie! US only. Enter via the Rafflecopter:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

And now, hop on:

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(Here's the link if the Linky doesn't work:


  1. Not yet. Cannot wait to see what comes to the big screen next!

  2. I am loving it because they are just special additions to the books. Most are done pretty well.

  3. I agree that it is hard to come up with new ideas in making new movies. That is why so many remakes of movies are coming out and they have to go to the books to come up with.

  4. I don't mind books to movies if they are made well. Sometimes too big of a celebrity cast ruins the storyline.

  5. Better a movie made from a book than just remaking old movies and television shows (or old movies from older books). At least when they adapt the book into a movie we'll get something different! Literature was always a source of some of the great films in the golden age of Hollywood, but yes, it would be nice to see some fresh ideas now and again.

  6. I guess if I were a screenwriter, I'd be a little concerned that I would be out of a job as far as trying to discover new ideas. I think in general, it comes and goes, as so many books have been made into movies over the years.

  7. I disagree... I feel like that is saying a library is running out of books. As long as there are creative authors out there (and I feel like there are many) there will always be a new movie to make!

  8. I think they've been running out of idea for about 20 years. There's so few movies each year that I would truly want to see in theater. I really like that they're making movies out of books because at least they're fresh ideas. Although, a movie is never quite as good as the book. :)

  9. I LOVE all of the books being made into movies! They are some of my favorite movies!! I just saw The Scorch Trials: 2nd Maze Runner movie and it was very well done.

  10. It seems easier to make a book out of a movie than to write from scratch with new innovative ideas

  11. I love seeing some of my favorite characters and worlds come to life on the big screen, but I do think that there are far too many adaptations. And not just movies, TV shows too. I think the Lord of the Rings was one of the best movie adaptations; however, the Hobbit, being such a bloated trilogy for a 300-page book, was one of the worst.

  12. I think Hollywood has become dependent on books to come up with new movies. It's either that or recreate popular movies.
    I think it's great about the number of movies being made from books.

  13. I'm fine with the books to movies concept, if the movie is good. I do notice that there are more of them.

  14. I love all the books to movies! The books are almost always better but it's fun to go read the book again after watching the movie.

  15. Please ,please keep the books to movies coming. I will usually say the book was better but I still enjoy seeing it put on the screen.

  16. I don't think that they are...I do wish they would do something other than all the comic book movies tho.
