Saturday, August 18, 2012

A Chance for Charity (The Immortal Ones #1) by S.L. Baum

Goodreads description: 

A new family has just arrived in the isolated mountain town of Telluride, Colorado. Welcome the Johnstons - Jason (a doctor), Rachel (a designer), and their niece Emily (a current High School Senior).

Emily has lived the life of a quiet loner in the past, trying to go unnoticed. But with Telluride being such a small and welcoming town, she finds a group of friends at school almost immediately. When Emily meets Link (another new transplant in town) her world turns upside down. She doesn't understand why she feels a magnetic pull toward him, or why she unknowingly lets her guard down around him. Link is just as confused by his own need to be with her.

Emily knows she is playing with fire. She should be doing whatever she can to keep herself isolated, to keep Link from getting too close. Danger has a way of finding Emily's family - that is what keeps them on the move. They arrive in a new town every few years - it is safer that way.

Because... Emily isn't really Emily... her real name is Charity - and Charity has an even bigger secret. Charity and her family are not like other people, they have "skills" that mere mortals cannot begin to comprehend.

Before long, Charity is struggling with the reality that her two lives are coming closer to each other with each passing day. Soon Link will find himself wrapped in a supernatural world that he never knew existed - and discover that mortals are not the only beings that walk this earth.

Mary's Review:

Like so many other books, this had been sitting on my Kindle (untouched) for a while.  I keep getting other books and push other books to the side.  I am such a bad Book Nerd!

Best Part of the Book: Link aka Lincoln Knight.  He is truly the best part of this book.  I think that because he is always putting Charity ahead of himself.  This even included when he found out everything about Emily ... ugh Charity.  I guess there are still some good guys out there (even if they are in books ... haha).  The other thing that I liked about this book was Charity's family and extended family.  They are amazing, funny and protective of each other.

Not so great about the book:  Well, the book was good over all but when it came to explaining Charity's immortally .. well .. there really is not an explanation.  It just is!  I find that strange.  There are other books in this series so it might be explained more later but, as for book 1 there really is not.  Also, the way Link and Charity's past are entwined is weird to me.  But, I still like that they have "somewhat" of an connection.

Why read this book: It is a good book and a quick read.  However, I felt that was lacking something. I will read book 2: My Link In Time just to see if it "picks-up" what was lacking in this book.

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