Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm Yours (Bold As Love #2) by Lindsay Paige

Goodreads Description:

After the incident with Claire, Emily encounters more problems. Conrad is back with explanations and hope. Emily wants to give him a chance to explain himself. She can't help but wonder why he left. However, Jake isn't comfortable with Emily going out to eat with an old lover.

Will things be too much for Emily to handle? Will Emily do the one thing she knows best and withdraw? Will Emily and Jake's love for one another keep them from shattering?

Mary's Review:

Best part of book: Like Book 1, I enjoyed all the different points of view.  I love that Jake's and Emily's relationship has grown so much.  It was rocky in the beginning of the book because Emily's ex-boyfriend came back into the picture.  Jake was going to have to figure out if Emily really wanted him or Conrad.  The twist that came towards the end of the book was the unforeseen (by me anyway).

Not so great part of the book: Like Book 1, I thought it was rushed.  I would have like to see some thing played out a little more.  However, this book was only a little over 100 pages so I do understand the rush.

Why read this book:  It is a wonderful love story.  It is great to see two people play off of each others strengths, kindness and watch their relationship blossom.

Onto Book 3!!

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